Archive for May 30, 2010

Robert… on Words

I hate English class because of just that – words. Words are the weakest form of self-expression and the easiest to imitate. A great writer writes something, but that something can be easily stolen and used as someone else’s work. Words are like dust, they can be blown away in the wind. I may be a hypocrite by writing this, but in the animal world, things are solved with fangs and claws. Severed limbs and shredded flesh leave more gruesome reminders than words ever could. Words may be the things that stand the test of time, but one crushed plant can destroy a civilization after long enough. Words may speak louder than fists, but punches and kicks teach more effective lessons. Nobody can survive and thrive on words alone. As the quote goes, “actions speak louder than words.” I can survive better on roasted trout than I can on “ghoti.”

“Ghoti” is pronounced as “fish.”

  • gh, pronounced as in tough;
  • o, pronounced as in women; and
  • ti, pronounced as in nation.


“Little moments like that prove to me that there is some kind of all-powerful, all-knowing force that controls everything in the universe, and it’s so fucking bored, it’ll actually take time out to orchestrate a petty let-down like that.” – Dead Like Me: Season 1, Episode 3

I’m not an atheist, there must be that one omniscient power out there, somewhere. I just think that religion is just a big steaming pile of bullshit. I’m sorry to disappoint anyone so closed-minded and protective of their hive that they’ll sting me and drag me back for just thinking that… God forbid the power of reason! I’ve never been religious, though I think that I turned out pretty well; considering where I came from. I actually like to argue religion. Well, argue against it. Religion is just another excuse to be closed-minded and ostracize others. I trust in the good inside people, I mean each and every one of my friends has their vice, but I look past it and see the whole of the person, the goodness inside their hearts. Hell, every character in every story has their drawbacks, things that they overcome and afterward become a better person for. Everyone deserves a chance, if only one. Never judge anyone until you discover who they really are.